For this recipe, I used:1 Cup Washing Soap
1 Bar Fels-Naptha laundry Bar soap
3 gallons and 6 Cups of water
1. First, grate the entire bar of soap.
2. Next, pour it into a pot with 6 Cups of water. Heat on medium heat until the soap is all melted.
3. Fill a bucket with about 3 gallons of water. Dump the melted soap mixture into the bucket. Add 1 Cup of Washing Soda and stir.
Then just let it sit! For about 24 hours. It apparently is going to turn kind of goopy. Then I am going to pour it into two empty gallon milk jugs (I'll have to come up with cuter storage, but for now milk jugs will work)
There are a ton of recipes online for homemade laundry soap so next time I might try another one. Most of the recipes have Borax in them, which is why I bought the Borax.
I really like the smell of laundry soap on my clothes so I am not sure if I will like this! I love it when my sheets smell all Tide-y. I guess it's a comfort thing? I read on several sites that you can use some drops of essential oils to make it smell like you want it to. Yum, I may try that too! The Fels-Naptha soap actually smells really good too though so who knows? This will probably be an ongoing project! Just wanted to share my craftiness for the week.
Also, my boss showed me an easy way to make really cute ribbon flowers I;m excited about so I will put that on here soon!
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