Sunday, March 25, 2012


"How many times do I have to tell you, USE A COASTER!"
-T Ray, college

(One of my college roommates had this weird pet peeve about the rest of us not using coasters. Apparently she didn't want rings on her nice coffee table she was letting us all use. We were then forced to use the coasters she provided us with. I sure wish I had thought of these cuter ones back then...)

This is a super simple crafty activity. You pretty much cannot mess up when you make these. I made myself a set for my living room (above) and a set that I mailed to my parents. They work and they're cute. Here's how to do it:


Scrapbook Paper
White tiles
Mod Podge
Clear Spray Paint
Cork Backing

1. I am making this set for my best friend. She likes blue so I thought this scrap paper I had would work in her house. She's actually moving to a new place soon so I think I'll give this to her as a sort of housewarming gift. Anyways, pick out what you want on your coasters. You can use paper, fabric, paint, pictures, lace, dried flowers, etc. Be creative! For this one I just did paper. Trace the square tile onto the paper so you know how big it needs to be and cut it out.

2. Mod Podge the paper to the tile. I put a layer of the glue on the tile first, then the paper, then more glue. By the way, I love Mod Podge. Mod Podge is a crafters best friend. You can use it for everything, and probably on the kitchen sink as well.

3. Let the Mod Podge dry completely. Then take the coasters to a well-ventilated area and spray it with the clear spray paint. I took mine outside on the porch. This stuff stinks. It makes it so the coasters won't stick to your drink when you use them & it locks out moisture.

4. Let the spray paint dry. This kind is a quick-dry so it only took about 10 minutes. Next, put a backing on the tiles so they don't scratch your table. Scratches would be worse than moisture rings, I think! I found this awesome sticky cork at Micheal's in the scrapbook paper aisle for 50 cents. It is just a sheet of cork with a sticky back. I suppose you could also use those little round things you put under chairs.

....and ta da! Coasters.

I hope my bff likes 'em.

Cost for this project:

Sticky Backing: $0.50
Tiles: $0.90 each at home depot
Paper, Mod Podge, Spray: Free because I already had it...

So about $5. It would be more if you didn't have the supplies. But I think if you started from scratch it couldn't be more than $15.00.

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