Friday, May 25, 2012

Flower Canvas Art

This is another little project I discovered on Pinterest:

(btw I love that It's Doable blog. I would follow them, but can't figure out how??)

AND for me, it was totally free! I already had all my supplies:

  • Canvas
  • Paint
  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Hot Glue Gun (or other glue, but I just love gluing with my gun so I couldn't pass up this opportunity...)
1. First, paint your canvas. I have had this canvas for awhile. There are so many cute projects to do on canvas, and unfortunately I have failed at most of them on this particular canvas. Anyways, I painted over my other mistakes with white and then brown, which is the color I wanted for the background of this project. 
2. Next, cut out a circle for the inside of your flower. I chose brown. Then cut out all of the petals. To do the petals, cut a 2-inch strip from the bottom of a piece of scrapbook paper and then cut the strip into smaller squares. This doesn't have to be perfect, just kind of eyeball it. 

 Then cut from one corner to the other, turn it around and cut from that corner to the other.

They don't have to be perfect or even all the same size. Then arrange them on the canvas in a flower shape. You can use mine as an example if you want. 

3. The tedious part comes next. Turn each one over and glue them all down where you've arranged them. So fun.

4. Hang it up and enjoy! I love it when I do a project and it actually works. :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

T Rex Hates Pushups

Boom. That's right, I got it together this Saturday. Two posts in one day.

This isn't really a new idea but I just wanted to put this on here real quick. The boyfriend and I were looking on Pinterest and we saw this shirt with a funny saying...for $25.00. Too much for a shirt you would wear to the gym! So I made him the same one. I designed the picture on my computer and printed it out on an iron-on transfer paper. I think it turned out pretty good. What do you think??


I have been a TERRIBLE blogger lately. Sorry, ya'll!! Life has gotten hectic and my blogging has fallen to the wayside. Tonight I am babysitting for a new family, the kiddos are asleep and I can focus on this. I told the dad before they left that I was going to work on my craft blog once the kids were sleeping. He looked at me like I was crazy! What is so odd about a 24 year old girl staying in on a Friday night to update her craft blog? huh??

Terrariums: these things are the cutest. You can make them big, small, open, closed, whatever. I opted for a closed one. I like the idea of a little environment being all inside. Plus, you don't have to water them which is a major plus for me since many a plant has died by my lack of plant watering abilities. I never said I had a green thumb. That's my mom!

You need:

-a clear glass container with or without a lid
-small rocks

I got my container at Micheal's for $9.99 but I think you can pretty much find them anywhere. They don't actually have to be containers made for plants, you could use a vase or little jars or something instead.

(I chose the plants above because they were the smallest ones I could find at Home Depot. I have since been informed there are certain plants you are supposed to use for enclosed terrariums. That may explain why my terrarium has since completely died, but that is another story...)

So, first make sure your container is really clean. Wash it out well with soap and hot water. Layer the bottom of the bowl with the rocks. This helps with drainage. Then the soil on top. It should look like this:

Then add the plants and moss. I realized while doing this that one of the plants was way too big even though I did choose the smallest ones so I ended up only using two. Once the plants are in there, layer the moss over all the exposed dirt. I think this helps the soil lock in moisture . 

Cute huh?? Okay so I watered it, put the lid on and basically forgot about it for about a month. I didn't really look closely until one day I did. Apparently plants need air? The plants died and somehow a bunch of fruit flies nested in there and so I had a real mess on my hands. I tried to get my boyfriend to dump the whole thing outside but he wouldn't do it. It was that gnarly. Anyways, lesson learned: take lid off now and then to air out plants. 

Also: there are specific plants that do better in an enclosed environment. 

  • Pilea (Aluminum plant)
  • Ardisia
  • Podocarpus (Buddhist pine)
  • Aeschynanthus (Lipstick plant)
  • Baby Tears
  • Very small ferns
  • Miniature African violets
  • Coffee plant
  • Creeping Charlie
  • Boxus (Boxwood)
  • Creeping Fig
  • Mosses

 I am planning on redoing this with my new knowledge and also I got some mason jars that I think would look adorbs! jk I don't really talk like that.